Update 77.8

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RedCash Shop:

Magic Backpack 1000 RedCash → 400 RedCash

Demon 1 Dia 500 RedCash → 250 RedCash

Demon 3 Dias 1000 RedCash → 600 RedCash

Demon 7 Dias 1500 RedCash → 1000 RedCash

Spirit of Guardian 1 Dia 500 RedCash → 250 RedCash

Spirit of Guardian 3 Dias 1000 RedCash → 600 RedCash

Spirit of Guardian 7 Dias 1500 RedCash → 1000 RedCash

BattlePass Shop:

Demon 1000 Battlecoin → 300 Battlecoin

Demon 1 Hora → 6 Horas Demon

3 Horas → 12 Horas

Demon 6 Horas 5000

Battlecoin → 1 Dia 4000 Battlecoin

Spirit of Guardian 1000 Battlecoin → 300 Battlecoin

Spirit of Guardian 1 Hora → 6 Horas

Spirit of Guardian 3 Horas → 12 Horas Spirit of Guardian

6 Horas 5000 Battlecoin → 1 Dia 4000 Battlecoin

Horn of Fenrir 15000 Battlecoin → 12000 Battlecoin

Horn of Fenrir Black 20000 Battlecoin → 16000 Battlecoin

Horn of Fenrir Blue 20000 Battlecoin → 16000 Battlecoin

Horn of Fenrir Golden → Removido

Nova combinação na Chaos Machine:

Pet Upgrade 3 Imp + 1 Chaos = 1 Demon

Success 70% Free 75% Vip Red

3 Angel +1 Chaos = 1 Spirit of Guardian

Success 70% Free 75% Vip Red

Last updated